Brenda's artistic journey has taken her throughout the United States to her current home in Madison, Wisconsin. Her background in interior design fueled her creative instincts, yet it took several art courses and years of self discovery for her identity a mosaicist and soft pastel artist to form. Her goal is to find the hope and joy of small moments in any situation. Brenda’s work has been shown throughout Wisconsin and is largely in private collections. She has done several temporary and permanent public art projects in Madison. She is currently exploring art residencies involving communication and collaborations with other disciplines to discover new ways of communicating with art. There have been 2 such residencies in the last year, working with scientists at UW Madison. She is also preparing for an exhibit at The Overture Center Performing Arts galleries in Madison in 2024. She loves warm places and enjoys being outside as much as possible for both professional inspiration and personal satisfaction. And if there is a stream, waterfall, lake, or ocean to dip a toe into, there is nothing better.